| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
Developing later revisions
Resolving audit findings
Providing useful fault analysis information.
Follow six basic steps to assemble the procedure basis information: (1) develop a research
and planning process; (2) identify the procedure requirements; (3) determine the facility
configuration and analyze the process; (4) develop the process and activities; (5) assemble
procedure basis documentation; and, (6) prepare a procedure revision history.
Research and Planning Process
Procedures are written and used for work that could result in abnormal facility conditions,
degraded equipment reliability, or personnel or equipment hazards. Procedures are also
needed for complex nonsafety-related work, and for work that is performed infrequently.
Identify the procedure to be written.
Plan the research process.
Record the research and planning process to document the basis of the procedure.
Be sure to record the methods, calculations, and user feedback obtained during
procedure development that might not exist elsewhere.
Identify the appropriate operations organizations and plan for their personnel to
help develop the procedure.
As stated in Section 1, operations personnel provide valuable insight when writing a
procedure. Operations personnel can greatly improve procedure basis documentation for
technical processes, conditions of performance, process analysis, and user feedback.
Procedure Requirements
Writers must understand the bases for procedures before they begin to write. Completing
the following steps will help writers understand these bases (the worksheets in Appendix
A can be used to record information).
Research the regulatory and administrative requirements affecting the procedure.
This research includes assembling and reviewing documents containing direct
requirements and commitments that apply to the procedure.
Determine the technical requirements that apply to the procedure by examining the
C DOE rules, orders, and standards.
C Safety analysis report and technical safety requirements (formerly technical
specifications or operational safety requirements).
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