| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
Repeated Action Steps
Repeated action steps are simple action steps that must be performed more than once
during the execution of a procedure.
If an action step must be repeated an indefinite number of times to achieve an
objective, specify that the action step is to be repeated until the expected results
are achieved. Only a single signoff line is provided for this action step regardless
of the number of times the action step is performed.
EXAMPLE 4-14. Repeated action step.
Vary input signal until switch SW-1-7 trips.
If it is important to know the number of times the sequence is repeated, provide
placekeeping (see Section 4, "Placekeeping").
If an action must be performed repeatedly at timed intervals, place instructions in
the procedure and provide suitable space to record the times that the action step is
If an action step is to be performed periodically throughout a procedure or a
portion of a procedure (but not at specific timed intervals), place reminders as
action steps in the body of the procedure.
If a large group of repetitive actions is required and becomes cumbersome, address
the actions in action steps that reference a table, a list, or an appendix (an example
of a large group of repetitive actions is a series of valve alignments).
Notify the performer when repeated action steps are to be discontinued.
Action Steps Containing Verifications, Checks, Notifications, and
Data Recording
Verification action steps assure that a specific activity has occurred or that a stated
condition exists. Manipulation by the user may be required. Check action steps call for a
comparison with stated requirements; and no manipulation by the user occurs.
Notification action steps require reporting when given criteria are met. Data recording
action steps assure that desired data are recorded.
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