| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
3.7.3 Results
Provide instructions to summarize the results of the procedure including
C Listings of facility conditions
C Date and time of test start and test completion
C Participants
C Reasons for the test
Provide instructions to state whether
C Problems or delays were encountered
C Corrective action(s) were performed
C Authorization signatures were obtained.
Provide instructions to state whether acceptance criteria were satisfied, a
nonconformance report was initiated, and/or a limited condition for operation was
Provide an action step to review the entire procedure for completion and to review
and approve test results.
Records generated by a procedure are maintained to document the tasks completed by
performing the procedure. Administrative controls establish requirements for, and control
of, records. Post-task analyses of the procedure require that the conditions of
performance and the personnel involved are clearly recorded so lessons can be learned if
adverse consequences occur.
Identify the records generated as a result of performing the procedure in the
performance section (for example, forms, data sheets, checklists, and
documentation of as-found conditions).
Classify the records generated as appropriate to facility records control and
indicate the appropriate filing or transmittal of the records.
If no records are generated, state this in the procedure.
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