| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
Writing Basic Action Steps
EXAMPLE 4-1. Basic action step.
Direct Object
Supportive Information
Action Verb
the actuator disposal can
with Identification Tag Form 45
In many requirements documents, required actions are expressed by
using "shall" in declarative sentences (for example, "The manager shall
approve the completed work order" for "Approved storage shall be
provided for classified documents"). The words "will", "should," and
"must" are similarly used. In procedures governed by the guidelines in
this writer's guide, this type of sentence is not used to express required
actions. Imperative sentences (commands) are used instead, as illustrated
throughout this guide.
Start the basic action step with a singular present tense action verb such as open.
Appendix E of this guide includes a list of suggested action verbs.
Describe the direct object of the verb.
[a] Identify equipment precisely as it is in the facility.
[b] If the equipment is not labeled within the facility, use equipment nomenclature
precisely as it appears in the procedure basis documentation.
[c] Avoid using acronyms and abbreviations when writing action steps, particularly
for short, simple words and terms. If an acronym or abbreviation is used, it
must (a) be easily understood by the users and (b) have a standardized and
unique meaning for the users.
[d] Use only acronyms and abbreviations that are included in an approved, site-
specific list.
Complete the basic action step with supportive information about the action verb
and the direct object. Supportive information includes further description of the
object and the recipient of the object. Acceptance criteria, referencing,
and branching are other types of supportive information that are described later in
this section.
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