| DOE-STD-1032-92
Operational excellence is the main goal of DOE and DOE facilities; protecting the
environment and improving safety and productivity complement this goal. A facility's
organization must be properly directed to ensure that all three elements are effectively
addressed. Establishing policies and setting goals to achieve a safe, environmentally
conscious, and efficient operating facility are essential to focus this direction. These policies
and goals are an effective method of communicating direction to all personnel.
The organization and administration of facility operations should clearly define the process
for providing and supporting safe, reliable, and efficient conduct of all facility activities.
Emphasis must be placed on teamwork to ensure this occurs. A clear understanding by
personnel of their authorities, responsibilities, accountabilities, and interfaces is essential to
proper functioning of the organizational team. The organizational structure must be clearly
defined, and the administrative controls implementing the structure must be formally
documented to achieve this understanding.
Management must emphasize performance standards and individual accountability in
adhering to policies and accomplishing goals. When personnel are aware of the performance
standards required to meet the goals, they will be more inclined to acknowledge their
accountability. In addition, personnel must be allowed the opportunity to supply input to the
policies, goals, and standards so that they have a sense of ownership of the facility. Given
this opportunity, personnel will more willingly support standards and accept accountability.
Personnel must have the resources needed to perform their jobs. Restricting or delaying
resources will only hinder operational effectiveness and may result in adverse consequences.
Because personnel are one of the resources required to operate a facility, a plan to retain
sufficient personnel to safely and efficiently operate the facility must be developed.
To ensure that resources are being properly used and operating activities are directed
towards goals, management must monitor operations. Monitoring facility operating
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