| DOE-STD-1032-92
performance is the best way to measure the facility's effectiveness in accomplishing goals.
Monitoring activities such as audits, reviews, tours, and self-assessments are part of the
checks and balances needed in an effective operating program to ensure that management
obtains a clear picture of facility operations. Touring also allows management to interface
with facility personnel and reinforce policies and goals. Audits, reviews, investigations, and
self-assessments supply information for facility performance reports. These reports provide
evidence of the operating performance of the facility. Facility performance reports enable
tracking and trending of performance indicators and can be used to adjust goals. When
operating problems or undesirable performance trends are noted during monitoring,
corrective actions must be developed and implemented to redirect performance. Followup
monitoring activities allow management to verify the effectiveness of the corrective actions.
In order to effectively monitor operations and manage resources, managers must be trained.
A management development program will enhance the skills and knowledge of upcoming
managers and supervisors. This is especially true of first-line supervisors because they
usually have no previous management experience, but must possess the proper attributes to
handle their responsibilities.
Management must strive to develop and maintain a proper safety attitude in all facility
personnel. A comprehensive safety program must include planning for safety. If safety
planning accompanies work planning, safety issues will be confronted before actual work is
started. Planning will minimize work holdups and operating schedule delays that result from
correcting safety issues. Personnel must also be trained in safe operating practices and the
need to identify potential personnel hazards at their work stations. Management monitoring
of performance, stressing safety and planning for safety, will reinforce this attitude.
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