| DOE-STD-1032-92
Human Resources
The facility should be staffed by competent personnel. A facility staffing plan,
tied to the company's long-range goals, should be developed to anticipate
future personnel needs. The plan should be reviewed periodically and updated
to verify adequacy. Elements of this long-range plan should include anticipated
changes in staffing levels, potential succession plans for key management
positions, job rotation for developing professional and managerial experience,
and a forecast of personnel needs, considering losses resulting from attrition.
The long-range staffing plan should allow sufficient time for individuals to turn
over job responsibilities and maintain continuity in performance.
Hiring should be regulated so that newly hired personnel meet the established
minimum standards. The human resource group should emphasize retaining
and developing employees. Personnel should understand management policies
and goals concerning career progression, management and professional
development activities, performance appraisals, and the compensation and
reward system. Human resource policies and programs should be effectively
communicated to all personnel and monitored periodically to determine their
effectiveness. Managerial, supervisory, and technical skills should be
developed through training, project assignments, and rotating job activities.
Personnel performance should be evaluated through regular performance
appraisals, and promotions should be based on performance and ability.
Policies should be written to identify and deal with behavioral problems,
including drug and alcohol abuse.
Material Resources
The facility should have sufficient material resources to conduct operations.
Management should ensure that consumable materials (e.g., administrative
supplies, oils, chemicals) are replenished to support facility operations and that
nonconsumable materials (e.g., repair parts, new equipment) are available to
minimize the impact on facility operations. In addition, management should
ensure that all safety equipment required to perform operations (e.g., hearing
protectors, chemical spill kits, eyewash stations, respiratory protection
equipment) is available and ready for use.
4.5 Monitoring Operating Performance
Policies should be established to monitor operating performance with the primary goal
of improving operations. To accomplish this, managers should be knowledgeable of
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