| ![]() DOE-STD-1032-92
personnel performance, facility activities, and facility conditions within their areas of
responsibility. Managers should be actively involved with the work activities under their
cognizance to assess performance and reinforce management standards. Monitoring of
facility activities should ensure that they are conducted according to appropriate
standards, policies, and procedures, and that problems are promptly identified and
corrected. There should be a high degree of management involvement and observation
in day-to-day facility activities; a manager's routine should include frequent tours of the
work place, including discussions with personnel. Monitoring by management should
also include a program for monitoring facility performance through reporting and
trending selected parameters. The monitoring program should provide operational data
that are trended, analyzed, and forwarded to appropriate levels of upper management.
Managers and supervisors should clearly understand their responsibilities for setting a
professional example and should monitor and correct problems related to failures to
adhere to facility policies and procedures.
Management Tours
Each manager should plan periodic tours of facility areas as part of the
manager's routine. Some of the criteria for establishing periodicity should
include the risk associated with operations and the amount of operational
activities occurring (i.e., tours of warehouses may be conducted less frequently
than tours of production lines). Monitoring should include actual observations
of work in progress. The practice of scheduling blocks of time for conducting
such observations has proven effective.
Management tours should cover all areas, including hazardous and unmanned
areas within the specific manager's purview. Tours should occur during all
operating shifts. Besides observing personnel performing their specific jobs,
managers should observe safety conditions and practices, radiological
conditions and practices, material conditions, and housekeeping to ensure that
expected standards are maintained. Before conducting a tour, managers may
review lessons learned from in-house and industry operating experience so they
can check to see if similar conditions or circumstances exist at their facility.
Deficiencies noted during tours should be documented and provided to
responsible managers and supervisors for correction. If items are corrected
during the tour, they should also be documented for information purposes.
Followup tours should be carried out to ensure that timely and effective
corrective action has occurred.
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