| ![]() DOE-STD-1036-93
Equipment and System Status," and DOE Order 4330.4B, Maintenance
Management Program.
Periodic Checks during Facility Operation
Many facilities are required, by technical safety requirements or by
regulatory agencies (e.g., OSHA, EPA, state agencies), to perform
routine periodic checks of the operability of certain systems, structures,
and components. Routine periodic checks include:
C Testing fire protection systems to ensure that they are properly
aligned for operation
C Testing Continuous Emission Monitors to ensure that they detect and
record regulated emissions
C Testing toxic gas monitoring equipment (e.g., in oil well drilling and
production facilities) to ensure that the equipment will detect a
specific concentration of toxic gas and actuate an alarm.
These periodic checks (defined as surveillance tests in some facilities) are
independent of the activities that established the status of the system, and
therefore qualify as independent verifications.
When there are no regulatory requirements for periodic verification or
surveillance, it is still a good practice to periodically check the alignment
and status of safety and mission-critical equipment. Verification may be
performed using normal operating procedures, or specific checklists may
be developed for the purpose. Components to be checked may be
included on operator round sheets.
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