| DOE-STD-1036-93
verify discharge pressure would not prove that the main flow-path valves
were correctly positioned, and may not prove that external cooling or
backup lubrication pumps are properly aligned.
Surveillance testing may be used to satisfy independent verification
requirements ONLY if it is shown conclusively that the test proves the
required position of the components in question. Because surveillance
testing involves operation of equipment, the operations supervisor should
approve any performance of surveillance tests.
Verifying Operational Processes
Sometimes verification is required for an operational process or proper
completion of a series of procedural steps. Concurrent dual verification
is one method for accomplishing this. The following is an example of
independent verification of an operational process, in this case
performing a calculation:
A calculation of the estimated critical position (ECP) for reactor
control rods is required before a reactor startup. In at least two
recent incidents, errors in this calculation went undetected until the
reactor startup was in progress. When the discrepancy was
discovered, the reactors in question were shut down in accordance
with procedures, and further investigation revealed errors in the
calculations. As a result of these incidents, DOE has directed all
reactor facilities to perform two independent ECP calculations when
required for reactor startup. If a computer code is used to calculate
the ECP, two independent determinations of input parameters are
required. The responsible manager must reconcile any differences in
the calculations prior to startup.
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