| DOE-STD-1038-93
The turnover process should actually begin as soon as the "on-duty" person has assumed the
duties and responsibilities for the work station. At that time, the operator or supervisor
should begin identifying information that may be helpful to the next turnover. As information
is acquired, it should be recorded in the appropriate log and round sheets and on status
boards, if applicable.
At shift change, the on-coming person should review the appropriate logs, round sheets,
status boards and other facility required documentation to gain insight into past, present and
future work station status. A turnover checklist might be helpful to guide the on-coming
person through the turnover, as well as guide the off-going person in preparing information
for the turnover process. To acquire first hand knowledge of present work station conditions,
the on-coming person should walk through the entire work station. After walking through the
work station, the on-coming and off-going person should then perform an information
exchange. When all pertinent information has been exchanged, the off-going person should
turn over the duties and responsibilities to the on-coming person. The on-coming person
should then accept the duties and responsibilities, which, in turn starts the process over again.
A shift personnel briefing, conducted by the supervisor, should also be a part of the turnover
process. This briefing should provide the on-coming person with additional facility-wide
information and should supply him/her with an overview of facility operations for the
upcoming shift.
Turnover Checklists
Turnover checklists should be developed to aid in the turnover process. The content
of the checklist should reflect the duties and responsibilities of the position, e.g.,
supervisor or operator, and will normally be developed on a case-by-case basis.
Determining the need for checklists should be dictated by experience or through
evaluation of activities performed at the individual work stations and their impact on
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