| DOE-STD-1038-93
For facilities that work only one shift (i.e., dayshift), this briefing may take the form of
a morning staff meeting. This is especially helpful if there are a number of different
activities occurring, which might affect each other, or if there are new personnel filling
in for absent personnel (e.g., due to vacation, sickness, or temporary job priority
The briefing should be conducted by the appropriate supervisor and should include a
review of facility status, problems with equipment, and evolutions in progress or
planned for the shift. The detail of the briefing should be consistent with the amount
and type of work occurring or scheduled. Additional items to cover during the
briefing may include:
C Shift orders
C Lessons learned from events occurring elsewhere or during other shifts
C Last-minute changes in facility status or operational functions planned for the shift
C Support group work planned for the shift (e.g., maintenance, construction)
C Changes to administrative procedures that impact methods of doing work, or
changing procedural requirements
C Facility maintenance shutdown schedule changes
C Work/production goals for the shift
C Other important work-related items.
Personnel briefings following days off, during times of facility shutdown, and during
periods of intense support group activity may be more extensive.
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