| DOE-STD-1038-93
4.3.2 Supervisor Walkdown
On-coming supervisors should walk down the instrumentation and control panels
under their purview as a part of the turnover. This walkdown may be done with the
off-going supervisor, separately, or with either off-going or on-coming personnel
assigned to the work stations under the supervisor's purview. The walkdown can
occur before, during, or shortly after turnover, but will produce a better information
exchange if performed before the turnover.
Information Exchange and Responsibility Transfer
As a minimum, a verbal exchange of information between the off-going person and a
qualified relief should conclude the turnover. This information exchange (discussion)
should occur when work station conditions are stable. The discussion should be
performed immediately before the exchange of responsibility and within the confines of
the work station. In addition, during the period of information exchange, access into
control areas should be limited so control area personnel remain focused on the
exchange, while simultaneously monitoring and controlling the facility. For more
information on control area activities, refer to Chapter III, "Control Area Activities,"
DOE Order 5480.19.
The off-going person should use the discussion time to explain any unusual events that
have occurred, planned maintenance and surveillance activities, and any other pertinent
information not covered during the walkdown or by the turnover checklist (if
applicable). The on-coming person should use this time to resolve any questions
concerning the status of the facility, ongoing maintenance or surveillances, log entries,
and written guidance for the continued operation of the facility during the upcoming
An operating base should be established for each work station. The information
exchange and responsibility transfer should take place at this operating base.
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