| ![]() DOE-STD-1040-93
The trainee should have no doubt that training is terminated and that the
trainee is to immediately stop whatever he/she is doing. The use of a clear,
mutually understandable phrase, such as "hands off," should be spoken in
conjunction with the suspension. When the phrase is used, it should be a
clear signal to the trainee that the instructor has taken over the control of the
work station.
Training should be immediately suspended in the event of unanticipated or
abnormal situations. Since the instructor is responsible for operating the
facility, training should also be suspended whenever the instructor believes
suspension is necessary to ensure safe and reliable facility operation. The
responsibility for assessing all abnormal and accident conditions and taking
action remains with the instructor.
During abnormal or emergency conditions, trainees may provide assistance
(e.g., make narrative log entries, get tools and procedures) at the discretion
of the instructor. The instructor must first decide if the trainee is
knowledgeable and skillful enough to assist in responding to the situation.
When a training session is suspended for the remainder of a shift, the
trainee should sign out of the narrative log. This signifies the official
termination of the training session. In order to achieve some benefit from a
suspended training session, the instructor may allow the trainee to remain at
the work station to observe the instructor perform the assigned task(s). The
trainee must remain in a position to observe without obstructing the
instructor. An exception to this practice would be if training was suspended
for an abnormal or emergency condition, and the condition required
evacuation of all unnecessary personnel. In this case, the trainee must
evacuate from the premises.
Maximum Number of Trainees
Normally, on-shift training, when performing OJT, should be conducted one-
on-one. Because of operational commitments or task performance
frequency, it may become necessary to simultaneously train more than one
person on a task. In these cases, the maximum number of trainees allowed
to participate in a training evolution needs to be determined. In making this
determination, consideration should be given to precluding the potential for
adverse effects on the facility. This determination should also reflect the
concern for ensuring effective, high-quality training. Supervisors should
ensure that established limits for number of trainees are observed.
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