| ![]() DOE-STD-1040-93
Supervising On-Shift Trainees
An on-shift training session allows a trainee to operate portions of the facility from a
specific work station. Because each action performed by the trainee actually
changes the status of the facility, the trainee must be supervised to prevent an
adverse situation from arising. Careful and competent supervision of a trainee will
prevent mistakes that could lead to an adverse situation.
Placing the Trainee at Ease
Immediately prior to beginning a period of on-shift training, the instructor
should try to put the trainee at ease. Although the trainee may have had
some prior basic instruction, the trainee may not have had enough
experience with this particular type of work. It is advisable to ensure that the
trainee is fully briefed on all aspects of operations prior to the start of hands-
on performance.
Commencing Training
Since an on-shift training session allows a trainee to operate equipment at a
particular work station, the trainee should perform a turnover with the
instructor and also sign into the narrative log, if applicable. The trainee
should annotate in the log that he/she is assuming the duties and
responsibilities for the work station under instruction. For details concerning
making log entries, refer to DOE Order 5480.19, Chapter XI, "Logkeeping."
For details addressing turnovers, refer to DOE Order 5480.19, Chapter XII,
"Operations Turnover."
Control of Trainees
Instructors must maintain control of trainees assigned to their work stations.
They must never allow a trainee to operate equipment without directly
supervising them. Prior to allowing a trainee to operate equipment, the
instructor should:
Have the trainee review the procedures and reference documents
required for performing the task
Have the trainee explain the action to be performed, including any
cautions and notes
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