| ![]() DOE-STD-1041-93
General Area
Satisfactory area cleanliness
Vent and drain caps installed
Electrical box covers installed and tight
All hoses and cords properly stored or installed
Equipment/component labels installed and readable
Insulation installed and undamaged
Noise and vibration levels normal
Equipment access satisfactory and unhampered by scaffolding or other material
Minimum steam, oil, and water leakage
Building integrity (physical integrity of structures)
Safety tags properly completed, adequately attached, and authorized (spot check)
Maintenance tags applicable and accurate (spot check)
Fire barriers intact, and no fire hazards present
Radiation/contamination areas clearly identified
Hazardous material storage areas clearly identified
Floor drains open and accessible
Facility lighting adequate and operative.
Instrumentation and Control Panels
Power supply available
Alarms not in alarmed condition
Recorders operating properly
Indications within normal ranges (bands)
Status lights operable
Alarms operable
Motor Control Centers (MCCs)
Breakers properly aligned
Breaker enclosure temperatures normal and no unusual smells
Breaker position indicating lights operating properly
Charging springs charged and control power available
Breaker trips reset
Liquid levels normal
Temperatures and pressures normal
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