| ![]() DOE-STD-1041-93
Wires and Cables
Disconnected wires and jumpers properly identified
Hold-down straps secure
Grounding devices intact
Doors and Gates
Fire doors closed and not blocked
Other doors closed and locked as required
Doors and gates close properly
Liquid levels in normal range
Sump pumps operating as required
No oil or organics in sumps
Suction and discharge valves properly aligned
Suction and discharge pressures in normal range
Gland seal leakage in normal range
Safety Hazards
Ladders/gas bottles properly positioned or stored
Use of proper equipment, such as non-sparking tools, aluminum ladders, etc.
No water or steam leakage
No water, oil, or other possible hazards on walking surfaces
No open panels with potential electrical hazards
Scaffolds properly erected
General compliance with facility's industrial safety program requirements
Open trenches or work areas roped off and posted
Machine guards and shrouds properly installed.
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