| ![]() DOE-STD-1043-93
drawings, technical manuals) are being used. To ensure the operator aid is correct, the
developer should communicate with other users, competent technical authorities (e.g.,
system, facility, or safety engineers), and the cognizant supervisor.
An operator aid submitted for approval should contain the reference information that the
approver will need to ensure that the operator aid is necessary and correct (e.g., document
names, numbers and revision numbers, technical personnel phone numbers). Including this
information with the operator aid will minimize the time required for approval. To ensure
that the proper information accompanies each operator aid that is submitted, an operator
aid approval sheet, which contains spaces for this information, could be used. Appendix
A contains a sample operator aid approval sheet.
If operator aids are developed for other than normal operations, they should clearly identify
their intended purpose. For example, if an operator aid is developed for a temporary
system, it may contain the title "Temporary System Operator Aid" or may be developed
using a different color paper. If an operator aid is only to be used for a limited time or in
certain situations the operator aid should contain this information also (e.g., "This operator
aid for use only during Mode 1 operation."). Including this information should help reduce
the human interface problems associated with operator aids.
Operator aids should be prepared in a professional manner (refer to Appendix B). Operator
aids submitted for approval should be identical, or as close as possible to the size, format,
material and quality of the proposed operator aid. This will allow the approver to see how
the operator aid will appear, before it is approved. To assist in preparing the operator aid,
facility support personnel (e.g., technical writers, graphic artists) may need to be contacted,
especially if the operator aid contains complex figures or drawings.
4.2 Approval
After an operator aid is developed, it must be approved before posting. At a minimum, the
operations supervisor or cognizant manager should approve the operator aid. Support
organization personnel wanting to have an operator aid posted should submit the proposed
information to the operations supervisor for approval.
The person responsible for approving the operator aid (the approver) should verify that it
is necessary. This verification will limit the number of operator aids posted in the facility.
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