| ![]() DOE-STD-1063-97
2. Adequate coverage for DOE facilities.
Is FacRep Staffing in accordance with DOE-STD-1063-97? If not, is a written agreement
with the Program Office in place?
What is done to recruit and hire satisfactory candidates to fill known or projected FacRep
vacancies? Are sufficient numbers of FacRep candidates undergoing qualification to fill
known or projected FacRep vacancies? Is there a FacRep "pipeline" to train new FacRep
How long have current FacRep vacancies existed?
What is the trend of the reported time spent in the facility and time performing oversight?
What methods are used by the Field Element to ensure that adequate facility coverage is
maintained by qualified FacRep during periods of leave, attrition, or downsizing?
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