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interfaces, and key activities necessary to fully implement the CM program. The organizational and
functional CM flowcharts used in the CM program plan should be retained and used in the training
process. Training based on these charts may be started as soon as the concepts have been agreed on
and approved by facility management.
Refresher training would be provided periodically (e.g., once a year) for approximately 4 to 8 hours to
reinforce the principles of configuration management, to review implemented CM methods, and to
advise personnel on any changes In CM tools or practices.
The size and complexity of the facility indirectly affects the number of SSCs included in the CM
program. For example, at a small facility, such as a nuclear hot cell facility, there are not many SSCs.
Accordingly, the number of SSCs that can be included in the CM program will be small.
The scope of the SSCs included in the CM program will affect the level of effort involved in every CM
program element and function. Facility management could (1) include all facility SSCs within the CM
program, (2) limit the scope to some minimum SSCs, or (3) choose a scope between these extremes.
At some facilities, it might be appropriate to limit the SSCs to those that provide personnel safety
protection. At others, such as nuclear waste tank farms, it might be appropriate to include those SSCs
that protect the environment. At other facilities, such as weapons facilities or alternate-energy
development facilities, it might be important to include the mission SSCs.
Because the magnitude of the CM program is so strongly influenced by the SSCs included in it,
contractor management might find it worthwhile to reevaluate the current classifications of systems
within the facilities. Some SSCs that have traditionally been classified as safety-related might not be
essential for safety. For example, many nuclear facilities have diesel generators that can provide
backup electric power in the event of a loss of normal power. Often, these generators are considered
safety-related because they have traditionally been classified that way. In some cases, safety is
assured regardless of the performance of the diesel generator. If the accident analysis can
demonstrate that an interruption of AC power for a significant period does not lead to unacceptable
safety consequences, and normal electric power is likely to be restored within that period, the diesel
generator is most likely not essential for safety. In such cases, classification of the diesel generator,
could be downgraded.
As with other CM program elements, much more effort is necessary for initial establishment of this
program element than for its maintenance. For many facilities, establishing a complete and accurate set
of design requirements can involve more time and resources than any other CM program element.
However, this program element is essential because the design requirements are the foundation from
which the CM program basic relationships are maintained.
The top-level development flowchart for the design requirements program element is presented in
Figure 24. Existing design requirements are reviewed to establish the Best Available Design
Requirements. As new or revised design requirements are established, this information is fed into the
Best Available Design Requirements. Design requirements are correlated with SSCs through the CM
equipment database. With the design requirements established, system and component grading can be
accomplished. The two key inputs are the equipment scope criteria (from the program management
element) and the list of known SSCs. System grading establishes the scope of systems within the CM
program and assigns system grades according to the significance of the associated design
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