| DOESTD107393 Implementing Procedures
The program management element should also ensure that appropriate implementing procedures are
prepared for each CM program function. In contrast with governing procedures, the implementing
procedures provide the detailed instructions for carrying out CM program functions. Implementing
procedures are developed for individual program elements as needed. The size of the operating
organization influences the need to proceduralize CM activities; the larger the organization and the
more numerous the interfaces, the greater the need for procedural controls.
During the initial assessments and program planning, the organization's many existing procedures
implementing CM functions will be reviewed to determine If upgrades and enhancement!; are
necessary to satisfy the CM program criteria described in Chapter 1. Enhancement and integration of
existing implementing procedures within their established organizational structure Is the preferred
approach to CM program development and Implementation. It may be necessary or desirable,
however, to temporarily consolidate control of implementing procedures in a central CM development
organization for purposes of upgrade and integration. During this consolidation phase, it may even be
desirable to use the governing procedures to define implementation methods, and later move the
implementation methods and requirements to the implementing procedures. On completion of
implementing procedure upgrades, the revised implementing procedures would be redistributed to the
appropriate implementing organization for ongoing implementation. Configuration Management Training
As policy, plans, and procedures are established, associated training should be provided to
communicate expectations and to ensure effective implementation. In addition to standardizing
terminology and establishing an integrated system of procedures regarding CM activities, a formal
training program in configuration management can be very Important in property orienting facility
personnel. The program management element should establish and oversee CM program training
activities, including (1) initial awareness or orientation training, (2) follow-up training on development
and implementation of the CM program elements and functions, and (3) subsequent refresher training
as needed. As defined in the program criteria, training should be provided on CM concepts,
terminology, definitions, and procedures.
Training should be started early in the development of a CM program to acquaint users with the new
concepts, to ensure a common understanding of the objectives, and to communicate responsibilities for
implementing the program (i.e., CM-awareness training). Organizational culture change regarding
configuration management is a fundamental part of successful CM program implementation. For
example, facility personnel should be able to identify appropriate change mechanisms and always use
them. Training, supplemented by clear and documented expectations, and followed up with feedback
and coaching, is an effective tool for promoting the culture changes that are needed.
An effective approach to CM training is to provide 1 or 2 days of initial awareness training and then
follow-up training as CM procedures are developed and implemented. The initial training should be
conducted as early in the CM program development process as practicable, preferably after the
site/division CM directive is issued. This training should (1) provide an overview comprising a
description of the need, purpose, and management commitment and a definition of the CM program
and Its program elements, (2) explain the site/division strategy for developing and implementing the CM
program, and (3) identify any interim measures to be adopted until CM program development is
Follow-up training should be conducted as the governing and implementing procedures are written,
approved, and issued. The objectives would be to discuss and clarify individual roles, responsibilities,
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