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document database should be used as primary tools to identify affected documents. Cross-disciplinary
and cross-organizational review may also be necessary if the databases do not provide adequate
information to complete this review.
Identification of Post-Implementation Acceptance Criteria. Methods and acceptance criteria should be
defined for post-implementation testing (e.g., post-modification testing for physical changes) prior to
change implementation. Post-modification testing ensures that the SSC performs as intended and
operates within the design requirements after the change is installed and before turnover to operations.
These tests serve as a final and independent adequacy check of the design and technical reviews for
the proposed change.
Safety, Environment, and Mission Reviews. Each change needs to be reviewed to ensure that the
safety, environment, and mission objectives are preserved.
Other Reviews. The following examples illustrate other reviews likely to be associated with change
development and approval, but not necessary to maintain configuration. Reviews performed as a
matter of good practice might include a review to determine the costs and benefits associated with a
change in order to facilitate management reviews and decision making. Facility walkdowns may be
necessary because there is a lack of confidence that the physical configuration is accurately reflected
in the as-built drawings. As another example, once the change is fully defined, the impact on the
operations schedule for implementation would generally be reviewed. Some technical reviews of
changes are imposed by external requirements. For example, DOE 5480.21, Unreviewed Safety
Questions, requires review of each proposed change to determine whether prior DOE approval is
required. In addition, DOE may have established additional reviews and review criteria consistent with
its management and oversight of the DOE-owned facilities. Additional reviews for determining quality
assurance actions may also be necessary.
Some DOE facilities use Change Control Boards (CCBs) for all or part of the technical evaluation of
changes. For CCBs to be effective, they need to perform the technical review functions discussed
above or ensure that they are performed for each change. Management Review of Changes
As defined by the CM program criteria, management should review the proposed change to verify that
the technical reviews have been performed adequately, the change package is complete and ready for
implementation, any necessary external approvals have been obtained, and that the change is
authorized for implementation.
Management reviews may also consider whether the need for the change exists, whether the benefits
of the change warrant the cost and schedule impacts, whether adequate resources are available for
implementation, or whether management approval should be based on other criteria. Some aspects of
these management reviews may take place prior to finalization of the change package; others,
subsequently. For example, management review and approval of proposed major design changes
would be expected prior to significant expenditure of resources.
Management review and approval requirements may vary based on the magnitude, cost, or the
importance of the change (grade of SSCs involved). For instance, changes related to safety SSCs
might call for senior management approval, while changes related to low importance SSCs might call
for only the approval of first-line management.

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