| DOESTD107393
construction documents, system importance to safety and mission, change history, and number of
outstanding open items identified during design reconstitution. Systems that support accident
prevention and mitigation and design documents for which the accuracy of the original calculations and
analysis were suspect, receive highest priority. If the representative sample indicates substantive
weaknesses, immediate corrective actions and assessment of an expanded sample should be initiated. MCA Adjunct Program Effectiveness Assessment
An MCA adjunct program effectiveness assessment should be performed after the MCA program is
fully implemented but prior to final turnover to facility personnel for continued use. The main objective
of the MCA adjunct program effectiveness assessment is to provide a technical quality review of the
MCA methods used, input assumptions, and final products. This review should be performed by
persons other than those who did the work and should provide assurance that the MCA information was
property developed and is technically appropriate and accurate for its intended use. Therefore, the
MCA adjunct program effectiveness assessment should include, but not be limited to, an accuracy and
appropriateness check of the following:
Final identification of the life-limiting components
Detailed MCA analysis (evaluation of aging mechanisms and conduct of baseline
Final determination of remaining facility lifetime
Trend analysis and monitoring
Life extension techniques (development and application)
2.5.3 ONGOING ASSESSMENTS Periodic Program Effectiveness Assessments
These assessments periodically examine existing functions and processes related to the CM program
to ensure their continued effectiveness and to identify improvements and enhancements, if needed.
Similar to the initial assessments, periodic program effectiveness assessments use a combination of
vertical slice and horizontal slice assessment methods. Objective measures and criteria to assess
effectiveness should be defined and used. These periodic assessments should be used as the
technical basis for adjusting the CM program by increasing or decreasing the controls. Periodic
program assessments should be performed at sufficient intervals (such as every 3 years for full vertical
slice or horizontal slice assessments) after implementation to provide management with the assurance
that these CM control programs are functioning as intended. Physical Configuration Assessments
Physical configuration assessments test whether the physical configuration is accurately reflected in the
facility as-built documentation. Physical configuration assessments, or walkdowns, are an integral part
of any vertical slice assessment, and therefore, they are included in initial assessments, post-
implementation assessments (related to DIS field validation), as well as ongoing assessments.
While the processes of walkdowns, as-builting, and vertical slices have significant overlaps, the
distinctions among them need to be understood. One distinction is based on the products of these
processes. Walkdowns produce a set of marked-up documents that reflect the actual physical
configuration and identify discrepancies with the currently-approved facility documentation. The as--
builting process produces as-built documents that have been field-verified and design-verified. Vertical
slice products include an evaluation of the extent, significance, and root cause of discrepancies
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