| ![]() DOESTD107393
ldentify relevant programmatic strengths and weaknesses and make recommendations for
improvements. Compare the potential weaknesses identified during the document review step with the
problems identified during the effectiveness review step. Recommendations should be made to correct
programmatic weaknesses and prevent these types of problems from occurring in the future. Strengths
should be identified and acknowledged to ensure that resources are properly allocated for sustaining
program strengths. This information should be factored into the associated CM program plans to assist
in CM program development. The CM program management will evaluate the initial assessments,
including recommended corrective actions, and determine the appropriate actions.
Post-implementation assessments to determine the adequacy and effectiveness of a program are
conducted shortly after program implementation and prior to final turnover to facility personnel for
ongoing use. These assessments are not compliance audits. Like initial assessments, these post-
implementation assessments employ vertical and horizontal slice methods. Post-implementation
assessments include CM program effectiveness assessments, DIS field validations, and MCA program
effectiveness assessments. CM Program Effectiveness Assessment
Horizontal slice assessments should be performed shortly after each element of the CM program is
implemented (i.e., within 12 months of program element implementation). The main objective of the CM
program effectiveness assessments is to examine newly implemented CM programs and processes
(such as change control, the design requirements process, and document control) to identify and correct
weaknesses prior to authorization for use. These post-implementation CM program assessments also
serve as a model for ongoing, periodic program effectiveness assessments.
The horizontal slice assessment techniques used for the post-implementation CM program
effectiveness assessments are identical to those employed in the initial horizontal slice assessments.
The recommendations for improvement resulting from the initial assessments should be used as a
starting point for the CM program effectiveness assessments. This will ensure that the previously
identified problems have been adequately addressed and resolved. The post-implementation program
effectiveness assessments should go beyond the initial assessment findings to ensure that the newly
developed and upgraded programs are effective. Assessment findings and corrective actions should be
documented. Design Information Summaries Field Validations
As each DIS is issued by the design reconstitution adjunct program, a field validation should be
provided to ensure that the design requirements are accurately reflected in both the physical
configuration and the associated facility documents. Each DIS may receive varying degrees of
technical validation, ranging from a review of specific critical design basis information to detailed vertical
slice assessments of the entire system. Within each DIS, the system engineer or other technically
qualified person should check the critical design requirements information for consistence, with the
hardware and documents on a case-by-case basis.
Full vertical slice assessments should be performed on a sample basis to provide a broader
assessment of the design reconstitution process. The sample should be large enough to, provide
assurance that design basis information and design requirements established by design reconstitution
are accurately reflected in the physical configuration and associated documentation. A representative
sample of at least 5 percent per facility would be prudent. In selecting the sample systems for these
detailed DIS validations, the following criteria should be considered: status of original design and
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