| ![]() DOESTD107393
recommended method for accomplishing initial assessments. Since most system-specific deficiencies
identified by the SSFI are an indication of programmatic weaknesses, an SSFI has proven to be an
effective method for evaluating facility CM programs and processes. For example, an SSFI might find
that the design requirements for the inspected CM system are not adequately documented. The
solution may be to update the change control and document control programs consistent with the CM
program objective and criteria. NSAC-121, "Guidelines for Performing Safety System Functional
Inspections," provides additional guidance regarding the performance of an SSFI. The traditional
regulatory objectives of an SSFI are to assess the operational readiness of the inspected system (i.e., Is
the system capable of performing its intended functions?) and to find and correct underlying causes of
potential system unavailability. For the purposes of the CM program, the latter objective regarding the
identification of underlying causes is the primary objective of the initial assessments.
Complete, accurate, and retrievable design information is necessary to make facility changes that
preserve safety, environmental and mission requirements. Design information is needed to support
facility design changes and their evaluation and to enhance existing design control and configuration
management practices. In addition, design information is necessary to support operability evaluations,
justifications for continued operation, facility transient evaluations, SAR and TSR revisions, and various
facility activities. Complete design information is also necessary to evaluate unplanned facility changes
that might result from equipment degradation and aging. In summary, design information summaries
(DISs) enhance facility safety and mission, and improve efficiency for design and operations. Appendix
II-D provides further discussion of DISs benefits.
The DR adjunct program is a structured approach toward accomplishing design reconstitution and
producing Design Information Summaries. The initial activities focus on identifying and retrieving
documents that might contain design information and reviewing them to identify and extract design
information. The program then evaluates this information to produce technically valid design
information. Discrepancies are identified and resolved. Missing design requirements and design basis
are identified and the most critical missing design information is regenerated. The design information is
formatted into DISs and field validated.
Design reconstitution is accomplished in a phased manner with defined milestones and associated
deliverables. A phased approach is used to effectively support design activities and facility operations
by providing for an early set of design information with steadily increasing quantity and quality. If the
design information were not available for use until completely reconstituted, configuration control and
facility operations would likely suffer in the interim. The DR adjunct program is structured with
emphasis on reconstituting the design requirements rather than the design basis.
The CM program interfaces with the DR adjunct program primarily at the design requirements element.
The design requirements element determines whether reconstitution of existing design information is
necessary. Throughout design reconstitution, the design requirements element maintains the
equipment database that relates equipment to their design requirements and design basis. The design
requirements element ensures that design requirements are collected and catalogued in the CM
equipment database that relates them to their SSCs, design basis, and associated documentation.
Once design information is reconstituted, maintenance and control of this information is integrated into
CM program work activities under the design requirements element.
Authorization basis. The authorization basis is an important subset of the design basis. Distinguishing
between the authorization basis and other design basis information is important for change control as
well as other programs such as USQ evaluations. The authorization basis consists of those aspects of
the facility design basis relied on by DOE to authorize operation. These aspects are important to the
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