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guidance on how these measurements are to be established or how degradation is to be
forecasted. The MCA adjunct program develops analytical methods and testing techniques that
can be used to meet the requirements of the maintenance program. The MCA program
provides an important technical supplement to the maintenance program requirements.
In addition to the MCA interface, the CM program interfaces with the maintenance program
through the change control and document control elements, which address control of hardware
and procedure changes. Within the maintenance program, the main interface is with the work
control process, which manages and sequences maintenance activities in the field. Another
important interface exists between preventive and predictive maintenance activities and the
performance monitoring function of the assessments element.
DOE 4320.2. Capital Asset Management Program (CAMP) establishes appropriate DOE
management of its capital assets over the full life-cycle of the assets. As part of CAMP,
Condition Assessment Surveys (CASs) determine the current condition of capital assets,
estimate times to failure, estimate costs involved in correcting deficiencies, and determine the
remaining useful life of capital assets. CASs address a wide spectrum of assets ranging from
architectural features and security systems to cafeteria equipment and office machines to
paving and street lights. CASs use national consensus standards, methods, and technologies
to determine the condition of capital assets. The annual CAMP report, which uses the CAS
results, provides DOE with an indication of the funding levels necessary to maintain DOE
facilities in adequate working condition.
DOE 4320.2 provides for CASs of infrastructure items. The CAS standards and techniques
applied to the mainstream of DOE assets are different from the specialized techniques
necessary to evaluate the aging degradation of nuclear facility equipment. DOE 4320.2 is linked
to the Maintenance Order in that CASs are to be performed when invoked by the Maintenance
Order. The Maintenance Order invokes CASs for non-nuclear facilities. Some of the methods
and data provided through the MCA program serve a similar purpose to the CAS program. The
MCA program can complement the CAS program by providing analytical evaluations of the
current material condition and time-to-failure.
DOE 5480.19, Conduct of Operations Requirements for DOE Facilities establishes DOE
expectations regarding the conduct of operations activities. Interfaces with a CM program
include operations procedures, control of equipment and system status, and equipment
labeling. Both the change control and document control elements address control of
procedures important to configuration management, including operations procedures. Control
and status of equipment are important for operations control of the as-built facility configuration.
The CM program provides input in that it provides a method for determining the as-built
configuration. When equipment is removed from operational status for maintenance or testing,
the equipment status and control function assures that the operational configuration is known
such that the physical configuration can be restored to its proper state upon return to service.
Equipment labeling also supports operations control of the operational configuration.
General Design Criteria are established by DOE 6430.1A, General Design Criteria, and DOE
5480.30, Nuclear Reactor General Design Criteria. DOE 6430.1A, which establishes general
design criteria for use in the design and acquisition of nonreactor DOE facilities, defines safety
class items for nuclear facilities and provides specific criteria for safety class items. DOE
5480.30 defines safety class structures, systems, and components (SSCs) as those, including
primary environmental monitors and portions of process systems, whose failure could adversely
affect the environment or the safety and health of the public as identified by safety analysis.
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