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interface both at the initiation of the project and at the transition or turnover to operations. At
turnover, the operational CM program needs to receive the design requirements, design basis,
and as-built drawings in a format amenable for use in operations and in the CM program. The
turnover interface is primarily with the design requirements element.
DOE 4700.1 specifies configuration management activities for design and construction. Each
DOE 4700.1 project is required to provide a Project Management Plan at project inception,
which addresses project configuration management during design and construction. DOE
4700.1 calls for generation of as-built documentation and other critical record documents
during the Title III Construction Inspection activities. The transition plan prepared in
accordance with DOE 4700.1 needs to consider the CM program criteria in this Standard to
avoid an undue burden during the turnover of new facilities and major modifications.
Several key terms used within DOE 4700.1 bear discussion in relationship to definitions
established by this Standard. DOE 4700.1 defines baselines as a quantitative expression of
projected costs, schedules, or technical progress to serve as a basis or standard of
measurement during the project. DOE 4700.1 identifies and controls three different baselines:
the cost baseline, the schedule baseline, and the technical baseline. In addition, DOE 4700.1
defines and discusses configuration management in the context of design change control, after
initial design requirement identification through final design documentation. This configuration
management is necessary but differs from the scope of a DOE operational CM program, which
encompasses the design requirements as well as the as-built physical configuration and the
facility documentation. DOE 4700.1 also discusses configuration management regarding
control of baselines (technical baseline as well as other baselines). The DOE 4700.1 final
technical baseline (Title II design) provides the design requirements necessary for the
operating organization to implement the operational CM program. The DOE 4700.1 design
documents prepared as part of the conceptual design and refined during the preliminary and
final design phases, provide the associated design basis. DOE 4700.1, Title III provides the as-
built documentation and may also modify the final technical baseline established previously.
DOE 4330.4A. Maintenance Management Program establishes DOE expectations regarding the
conduct of maintenance activities on various equipment, including repairable or replaceable
equipment and non-replaceable facility life-limiting equipment, at both DOE nuclear and non--
nuclear facilities. DOE 4330.4A identifies the need for preventive and predictive maintenance
activities, such as tests, inspections, diagnostics, and trending. These maintenance activities
provide assurance that the physical configuration is maintained within its design requirements.
DOE 4330.4A includes DOE policy that directly relates to material condition and aging
management: "Structures, components, and systems (active or passive) that are important to
safe operation of a properly or facility shall be subject to a maintenance program to ensure that
they meet or exceed their design requirements throughout the life of the property or facility."
The maintenance program called for by DOE 4330.4A involves the engineering and technical
support functions of identifying and evaluating potential degradation mechanisms caused by
environmental conditions and service over time and provides direction for timely mitigation of
those effects. DOE 4330.4A states that: "Periodic examination of structures, systems,
components, and equipment, particularly those important to safe and reliable operation of a
facility, shall be performed to determine whether deterioration is taking place ... which threatens
performance, safety, or facility preservation." Predictive maintenance, as defined by DOE
4330.4A, consists of the actions necessary to monitor, find trends, and analyze parameter,
property, and performance characteristics or signatures associated with a piece of equipment
that indicate the equipment may be approaching a condition in which it may no longer be
capable of performing its intended function. However, DOE 4330.4A does not provide technical
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