| ![]() DOESTD107393
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Least Important
After facility and SSC grades are applied, the general CM program criteria have been adjusted to
become appropriate facility-specific criteria. The second step In program planning is to determine what
new work (i.e., upgrade actions) is necessary to meet those criteria and when those actions should be
taken. Existing Programs and Procedures
A primary intent of this Standard is: to take credit for existing programs and procedures where
appropriate; to modify existing programs and procedures where necessary; and to develop new
activities only when essential. At a facility where the existing programs virtually satisfy the facility CM
program criteria, very little new work is needed; at a facility where the related procedures are weak,
more work is necessary. A CM program should not initiate repackaging of existing programs and
procedures. For example, if a facility has an adequate document control program, there would be little
benefit in requiring that facility to repackage the program for the sole purpose of meeting new CM
program criteria. Improvements that ensure satisfaction of the technical aspects of the facility CM
program criteria should be pursued.
For existing individual procedures that provide CM-related functions and for fully developed CM
programs, a comparative evaluation should be performed to determine how well the functions provided
by the existing programs and procedures match the functions described in this Standard. Such an
evaluation would establish a technical basis for concluding that existing programs provide the CM
functions. For example, the following programs should be reviewed for interfaces with the CM program:
SAR upgrade, design control, quality assurance, document control and records management,
procedure change control, temporary modification control, maintenance, facility status and operational
configuration control, and lockout and tagout. Some of these interfacing programs provide important
inputs to the CM program, some perform functions for which the CM program can take credit, and
others need a functioning CM program to have valid information to use.
At some DOE facilities, the contractor may have already developed a CM program. Rather than
discard that program and begin developing a new one to meet the program criteria described in this
Standard, the contractor should assess the original to determine the extent to which it conforms to
these criteria.
This graded-approach consideration involves evaluating those currently approved programs and
procedures that are closely related to the functions of a CM program. Functional flowcharting
techniques and functional comparative reviews should be used to evaluate existing programs and
procedures. These evaluation techniques are discussed in Section 2.5.
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