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plan. If the DOE desired lifetime is greater than the remaining lifetime, application of life extension
techniques is necessary.
As the overall CM program effectiveness and completeness is reviewed in subsequent years, questions
may arise regarding the original application of the graded approach. In response to these questions,
first, the periodic programmatic assessments should be considered for determining whether the
program is effective in maintaining the CM basic relationships. Second, the program plan should be
reviewed to ascertain if the planning and development assumptions remain valid. In some cases, the
controls appropriate at program initiation may be found several years later to be no longer necessary.
Third, the CM Standard should be re-reviewed to ascertain if any features that were not incorporated in
the original CM program need to be added because the situation or circumstances have changed. If
significant adjustments are needed, the CM program plan should be revised.
Specific application of the graded approach to each CM program element and the adjunct programs is
presented following the associated implementation guidance.
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