| ![]() DOESTD107393
Identifying interfacing programs and defining the appropriate interface to achieve effective configuration
management is an important function of the program management element. Some of these interfacing
programs provide important inputs to the CM program and some perform functions for which the CM
program can take credit. Recognition of program interfaces can prevent establishment of new
programs and functions where they are not needed.
Some of the applicable existing programs have been established or adapted to satisfy the requirements
of DOE Orders. The following summarizes some of the more important anticipated interfaces of the
DOE CM program with some DOE Orders.
DOE 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports (SARs) establishes requirements for
evaluating the adequacy of facility safety bases and developing safety analysis reports.
Existing programs to accomplish the SAR upgrade requirements will likely identify, define,
and refine important portions of the facility design requirements and design basis,
particularly those related to safety. The primary interface is with the design requirements
element, including the DR adjunct program. For facilities that are reconstituting their
accident analysis to satisfy the SAR Order, this Standard provides effective methods to
support the SAR reconstitution.
As a summary document, the SAR captures those design, operations, and management
aspects necessary for DOE authorization of facility operation. Configuration management
encompasses the broader range of design requirements, including not only those aspects
necessary to operate a facility safely, but also aspects related to environmental protection
and mission needs. DOE 5480.23 requires that SARs be kept up-to-date to reflect current
designs, operations, management, and so forth. A DOE CM program establishes
complementary mechanisms needed to ensure that the design requirements (summarized
in the SAR) are in concert with the facility physical configuration and documentation.
Maintaining the integrity of upgraded SARs is an important result of an effective CM
program; keeping the SAR up to date is a result of the CM change control and document
control processes.
DOE 5700.6C. Quality Assurance (QA) establishes quality assurance requirements for
DOE and provides high-level guidance. Topics covered by DOE 5700.6C that interface
with configuration management include design control and document control. In the area
of design control, the CM program focuses on maintaining CM program basic relationships.
With regard to document control, almost every facility has established document control
practices, which have been reviewed and enhanced to meet the quality requirements of
DOE 5700.6C. In contrast to QA requirements, the CM program establishes integrated,
detailed document control processes for facilitating effective and efficient configuration
management while continuing to meet the upper-level criteria established by DOE
5700.6C. DOE 5700.6C does not contain the detailed guidance and understanding
provided by this Standard. The assessments element of a CM program differs from
traditional QA assessments in that it is oriented toward performance and effectiveness and
is diagnostic in nature.
DOE 4700.1, Project Management System governs the acquisition, design, and construction
of new facilities and major projects. The operational CM program interfaces with DOE 4700.1
in two areas: (1) transition of new facilities to the operational phase from the design and
construction phase and (2) major physical changes to existing facilities. For new projects and
physical changes performed under DOE 4700.1, the operational CM program should
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