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7.2.1 GB-2401: Liquids introduced into the manifold are limited to a maximum of 150 g/l
fissionable material. Six used fulflo filters may be present outside the cartridge filter housing. One
maximum-size 4-liter container of maximum 150 g/l fissionable material may also be in GB-2401.
Floor pickup wand may be used to clean up spills inside and outside the glovebox. One
maximum-size 2-liter container of kimwipes used for spill collection (free liquid is allowed) may
also be present. 200 ml of samples may be taken and handled in this glovebox.
7.2.2 GB-2402: Three used fulflo filters may be present outside cartridge filter housings. 1000
ml of samples may be taken and handled in this glovebox. Floor pickup wand may be used to
clean up spills inside and outside the glovebox. One maximum-size 2-liter container of kimwipes
(free liquid is allowed) used for spill collection may also be present.
7.2.3 GB-2403: Three used fulflo filters may be present outside cartridge filter housings. 1000
ml of samples may be taken and handled in this glovebox. Floor pickup wand may be used to
clean up spills inside and outside the glovebox. Samples from liquid outside the glovebox must
show liquid to be less than 4 x 10-3 g/l Pu and U-235 prior to spill clean up.
7.2.4 GB-2404: Three used filters may be present outside filter housings. 200 ml of samples may
be taken and handled in this glovebox.
7.2.5 GB-18: Tank contents must be characterized as less than 25 g/l Pu before transferred to
the clarifier columns (T2411 A/B). Material (precipitate) from the R6 filter may be placed into a
one-layer planar array of three maximum dimension 6"x 9.5"x 2" pans. Only precipitate from one
processing "run" (2 columns) is allowed into any single pan. Precipitate is restricted to the
approximate height of each pan, however, it is acceptable for small amounts to heap slightly
above the pan height during loading or as a result of pan handling. Four used R6 filters may be
present in addition to the one in the R6 filter housing. Two used fulflo filters may be present
outside of the cartridge filter housing. 1-liter of samples (any number of containers less than or
equal to l-liter combined volume) may be taken and handled in this glovebox. No stacking.
7.2.6 GB-23: Limited to two maximum-size 1-liter containers, each limited to a maximum of
1000 grams net weight, and three maximum dimension 6"x 9.5" x 2" pans of precipitate from
glovebox 18. Precipitate is restricted to the approximate height of each pan, however, it is
acceptable for small amounts to heap slightly above the pan height during loading or as a result of
pan handling. In addition, three used R6, fulflo, and/or bag filters from the CWTS may be present
in this box. No stacking of pans allowed.
7.2.7 Tank D-2403: Limited to a maximum of 200 g Pu + U235. Tank must be assayed every 2
7.3 Administrative Controls (Procedural):
7.3.1 Sampling and valve-positions for waste transfers to Building 374, as required in section
6.8.3, are controlled by procedure 4-R76-WO-5017.

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