| ![]() DOE-STD-3007-93
required. Note that tanks currently connected via hard piping into GB-2401, reference section
6.2, may be drained into the CWTS. Also note that mixing of tanks prior to draining is not
addressed as there is no operational requirement for it. Finally, this evaluation does not authorize
the violation of USQDs which are in effect.
6.10 Processing of liquids from Tank D-452, Bldg 771: Liquids drained from tank D452,
Building 771 have been well characterized as less than 6 g/l fissionable material. Reference
Appendix P. Therefore, the existing safety basis and controls established for a maximum credible
concentration of 150 g/l fissionable material well bound this evolution.
6.11 Processing of liquids from other facilities: Liquids from other facilities which are
characterized as less than 150 g/l fissionable material are bounded by the safety basis and controls
established in this evaluation for a maximum credible concentration of 150 g/l fissionable material.
7.1 Design Features: The technical basis for each engineered safety feature is addressed in
sections 5.0 and 6.0.
7.1.1 GB-2401: Piping manifold per drawing D-25321-001, floor pickup wand with fulflo filter
configured to return liquid to tanks D-2401 A/B/C/D, and standard criticality drain.
7.1.2 GB-2402: Maximum 1 -liter pumps (P2401 A/B), floor pickup wand with fulflo filter
configured to return liquid to tanks D-2401 A/B/C/D, and standard criticality drain.
7.1.3 GB-2403: Maximum 1-liter pumps (P2403 A/B), floor pickup wand configured to return
liquid to tanks D-2402 A/B, and standard criticality drain.
7.1.4 GB-2404: Each bag filter canister, FL-2416-1,2,3 (A&B), is nominally 4.5" ID by 18" H
and is configured per drawing D-50407-451. Two standard criticality drains are installed on this
box. This box also includes a floor pickup wand with fulflo filter configured to return liquid to
tanks D-2401 A/B/C/D. Bag filters not to exceed 1 micron.
7.1.5 GB-18: Each column,T2411 A/B/C/D, is nominally 6" ID by 66" H. The R6 filter
assembly is a maximum of 2 inches deep. Equipment is configured per drawings D-50407-0462
through -0467. The pump is timed to deliver no more than about 20 liters of liquid to each
clarifier column. A standard criticality drain is installed on this box.
7.1.6 D-2401 A/B/C/D; D-2402 A/B; D-2403: Each shielded annular tank is constructed per
drawings D41005-501 through -505.
7.2 Administrative Controls (Posted Limits): The technical basis for each of these controls is
discussed in sections 5.0 and 6.0.
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