| ![]() DOE-STD-3007-93
There are no engineered safety features associated with these shipments that are required
to maintain criticality safety margins. The following controls shall be implemented prior to
beginning shipments of radioactive waste in generic casks that have fissile material limits based on
the data presented in this evaluation.
Prior to loading a cask, an Operation Specialist shall verify that the intended
contents contain less than 160 Fissile Gram Equivalents (FGE) Pu-239.
Only one cask shall be in the loading area at a time. The cask shall be separated
from other fissile material by at least 12 feet.
No more than trace amounts of superior reflector/moderator materials such as
beryllium shall be loaded into the casks without additional review and approval.
The means of verification are yet to be determined.
[Note: The intent of this evaluation is not to obtain an NRC license, but to demonstrate, from a
criticality safety standpoint, that NRC requirements can be satisfied. Additional transportation
requirements may be required if an NRC license is sought for a particular cask.]
The analytical techniques applied to the evaluation of radioactive waste shipments at the
INEL are considered to be very conservative and postulated accident scenarios are considered to
be incredible. Based on the results of the calculations presented in this evaluation, adequate safety
margins exist for the shipment of a single cask containing no more than 160 FGE of Pu-239.
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