| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
DISPOSITION. Those activities that follow completion of program mission, including,
but not limited to, preparation for reuse, surveillance and maintenance, deactivation, and
decommissioning, and long-term stewardship. [DOE O 430.1B]
DOCKETING CLERK. The Office in DOE with which documents for an enforcement
action must be filed and which is responsible for maintaining a record and a public
docket for enforcement actions commencing with the filing of a Preliminary Notice of
Violation. It is also the Office with which interpretations, exemptions, and any other
documents designated by the Secretary shall be filed. [10 CFR 820.2]
DOCUMENT. Recorded information that describes, specifies, reports, certifies, requires,
or provides data or results. [10 CFR 830.3]
DOCUMENTED SAFETY ANALYSIS. A documented analysis of the extent to which a
nuclear facility can be operated safely with respect to workers, the public, and the
environment, including a description of the conditions, safe boundaries, and hazard
controls that provide the basis for ensuring safety. [10 CFR 830.3]
DOE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATOR. An individual who understands DOE accident
investigation techniques and has experience in conducting investigations through
participation in at least one Type A or Type B investigation. Effective October 1, 1998,
DOE Accident Investigators must have attended an accident investigation course of
instruction that is based on current materials developed by the Office of the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Oversight. [DOE O 225.1A]
DOE ACTIVITY. An activity taken for or by DOE in a DOE operation or facility that
has the potential to result in the occupational exposure of an individual to radiation or
radioactive material. The activity may be, but is not limited to, design, construction,
operation, or decommissioning. To the extent appropriate, the activity may involve a
single DOE facility or operation or a combination of facilities and operations, possibly
including an entire site or multiple DOE sites. [10 CFR 835.2]
DOE CONTRACTOR. Any entity under contract with DOE (or its subcontractor) that
has responsibility for performing beryllium activities at DOE facilities. [10 CFR 850.3]
DOE ELEMENTS. First tier organizations at Headquarters and in the field. Field
Elements include all operations offices, field offices, energy technology centers, and
power marketing administrations. [ DOE G 433.1-1]
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