| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
MANUALS/CODES OF PRACTICE. As applied to integrated safety management,
documented instructions that define methods, processes, and procedures for DOE and the
contractor to use in implementing safety requirements and guidelines. These
manuals/codes of practice document the safety infrastructure of an integrated safety
management system and provide the basis for work planning, authorization protocols,
formality of operations, and feedback and improvement processes. [DNFSB mandated]
[DOE G 450.4-1B]
MARGIN. The difference between service conditions and the design parameters used in
the design of a component, system, or structure. [DOE O 5480.EQ] [EH62dd1]
MARGIN OF SAFETY. That margin built into the safety analyses of the facility as set
forth in the authorization basis acceptance limits. [DOE O 5480.21][EH62dd1]
MARKING. A descriptive name, identification number, instructions, cautions, weight,
specification, or UN marks, or combinations thereof, required by this subchapter on outer
packagings of hazardous materials. [49 CFR 171.8]
MATERIAL ACCESS AREA (MAA). An area that contains a Category I quantity of
special nuclear material and is specifically defined by physical barriers, located within a
Protected Area, and subject to specific access controls. [DOE O 6430.1A]
MATERIAL BALANCE AREA (MBA). A subsidiary account of a facility designed to
establish accountability and to localize inventory differences. [DOE O 6430.1A]
MAXIMUM CREDIBLE FIRE LOSS (MCFL). The property damage that would be
expected from a fire, assuming that:
A. All installed fire protection systems function as designed.
B. The effect of emergency response is omitted except for post-fire actions such as
salvage work, shutting down water systems, and restoring operation. [DOE O
5480.7A] [EH62dd1]
MAXIMUM POSSIBLE-FIRE LOSS (MPFL). The value of property, excluding land
value, within a fire area, unless a fire hazards analysis demonstrates a lesser (or greater)
loss potential. This assumes the failure of both automatic fire suppression systems and
manual fire fighting efforts. [DOE O 5480.7A] [DOE-STD-1066-97]
MEDICAL REMOVAL PROTECTION BENEFITS. The employment rights established
by section 850.35 of 10 CFR Part 850 for beryllium-associated workers who voluntarily
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