| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
ORDERS. DOE Orders, part of the DOE directives system, are the prevailing means by
which DOE identifies management objectives which are requirements for DOE personnel
and, when incorporated into contracts, requirements for DOE contractors. Most DOE
nuclear safety Orders are in the process of being superseded by regulations. Orders on
nuclear safety will continue to be upgraded and issued on an interim basis since the
rulemaking process can be lengthy. [EH62dd1]
ORIGINATOR. The DOE, contractor, or subcontractor employee who originates the
employee concerns. [DOE O 5480.29] [EH62dd1]
OUTAGE. A condition that exist whenever normal production operations have ceased
and all structures, systems, and components and processes are shutdown, properly
aligned or otherwise in an appropriate status, due to planned or unplanned occurrences.
[DOE G 433.1-1]
OVERPRESSURE. The maximal effective pressure is the larger (if applicable) of a, b or
A. The peak incident pressure;
B. The incident plus dynamic pressure; or
C. The reflected pressure (ref. TM 5-1300). [DOE O 5480.30]
OVERSIGHT. The responsibility and authority assigned to the Assistant Secretary for
Environment, Safety and Health to independently assess the adequacy of DOE and
contractor performance. Oversight is separate and distinct from line management
activities, including self assessments. [DOE Glossary]
PACKAGE. The packaging, together with its contents, as presented for transport and/or
transfer. [DOE O 461.1A]
PACKAGING. A receptacle and any other components or materials necessary for the
receptacle to perform its containment function in conformance with the minimum
packing requirements of this subchapter. For radioactive materials packaging, see Sec.
173.403 of this subchapter. [49 CFR 171.8]
PACKING GROUP. A grouping according to the degree of danger presented by
hazardous materials. Packing Group I indicates great danger; Packing Group II, medium
danger; Packing Group III, minor danger. See Sec. 172.101(f) of this subchapter. [49
CFR 171.8]
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