| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
PARTICIPATION. Taking an active role in the duties and responsibilities relative to the
function for which the candidate/trainee is being considered. Simple observation is not
considered participation. [DOE O 5480.20A]
PARTICIPATION. The activity associated with DOE representation through oral or
written communication that influences the development of non-government standards or
the administration of non-government standards bodies (NGSBs). Participation also
includes providing support to NGSBs to the extent defined in DOE O 1300.2A. [DOE O
1300.2A] [EH62dd1]
PARTY. The Director and the respondent in an enforcement adjudication under 10 CFR
820. [10 CFR 820.2]
PARTY. An employee, contractor, or other party named in a proceeding under 10 CFR
708. [10 CFR 708.2]
PEAK POSITIVE INCIDENT PRESSURE. The almost instantaneous rise from the
ambient pressure caused by a blast wave's pressure disturbance. [DOE O 6430.1A]
PERFORMANCE CATEGORY (PC). A classification using a graded approach in which
structures, systems, or components in a category are designed to assure similar levels of
protection (i.e., meet the same performance goal and damage consequences) during
natural phenomena hazard events. [DOE O 5480.28] [EH62dd1] [DOE G 420.1-2]
PERFORMANCE DEGRADATION. Failure or degradation of a facility, process,
system or component that reduces the reliability of critical components of the facility
whose loss or degradation prevents the system from performing its intended function.
Performance degradation does not include: (1) A burned out power indicator light on a
piece of radiation monitoring equipment which does not prevent the equipment from
detecting elevated radiation levels and alarming as designed; (2) A piece of equipment
that is determined to be out of calibration on the conservative side (such as a low level
alarm that alarms at a higher value than it should); or (3) the temporary loss of a
component where identical redundant components are maintained in operation and the
minimum authorization bases is not compromised. [DOE M 232.1-1]
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR. Operational information indicative of the performance
or condition of a facility, group of facilities, or site. [DOE Glossary] [DOE G 450.4-1B]
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