| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT (PEL). The maximum level to which an employee
may be exposed to a hazardous agent in a specified period, as defined by the U.S.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration in 29 CFR 1910 or 29 CFR 1926. (The
airborne PEL is based on concentrations in the ambient air and does not consider
personal protective equipment.) [DOE G 440.1-3]
PERSON. Any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, association, trust, estate, public
or private institution, group, Government agency, any State or political subdivision of, or
any political entity within a State, any foreign government or nation or any political
subdivision of any such government or nation, or other entity and any legal successor,
representative, agent or agency of the foregoing; provided that person does not include
the Department or the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. For purposes of
civil penalty assessment, the term also includes affiliated entities, such as a parent
corporation. [10 CFR 820.2]
PERSON. Any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, association, trust, estate, public
or private institution, group, Government agency, any State or political subdivision of, or
any political entity within a State, any foreign government or nation or other entity, and
any legal successor, representative, agent or agency of the foregoing; provided that
person does not include the Department or the United States Nuclear Regulatory
Commission. [10 CFR 835.2]
PERSONAL MONITORING. The process of measuring the concentration of a
hazardous chemical in the breathing zone of an individual, using a method such as a
personal air pump to gather a sample for analysis, a direct-reading instrument, or a
monitor worn by the worker in the breathing zone. For physical or biological agents, it is
the process of measuring the quantity that potentially contacts or affects any part of an
exposed individual. Area monitoring is not considered personal monitoring. (See
Continuous Air Monitoring, Monitoring, Performance Monitoring, Personnel
Monitoring, Post-Accident Monitoring Equipment, Primary Environmental Monitors,
Safety Class Monitoring Equipment, and Secondary Environmental Monitors) [DOE G
PERSONNEL MONITORING (radiation). Systematic and periodic estimate of radiation
dose received by personnel during working hours. Also, the monitoring of personnel,
their excretions, skin, or any part of their clothing to determine the amount of
radioactivity present. (See Continuous Air Monitoring, Monitoring, Performance
Monitoring, Personal Monitoring, Post-Accident Monitoring Equipment, Primary
Environmental Monitors, Safety Class Monitoring Equipment, and Secondary
Environmental Monitors) [DOE G 440.1-3]
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