| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
It also includes any equipment which actuates automatically in response to set level
signals from such a monitor. It does not include equipment in general area, remediation,
or compliance monitoring programs. (See Continuous Air Monitoring, Monitoring,
Performance Monitoring, Personal Monitoring, Personnel Monitoring, Post-Accident
Monitoring Equipment, Safety Class Monitoring Equipment, and Secondary
Environmental Monitors) [DOE O 5000.3B] [EH62dd1]
PROBABILISTIC METHOD. A technique which uses distributions of parameters
(including uncertainty and randomness) to perform an analysis. Results are expressed in
terms of probabilistic distributions, which quantify uncertainty. [DOE O 5480.28]
[EH62dd1] [DOE G 420.1-2]
PROCEDURE. A document that prescribes a process (a sequence of actions) to be
performed to achieve a desired outcome. [EH62dd1] [DOE G 450.4-1B]
PROCESS. A series of actions that achieves an end or result. [10 CFR 830.3]
PROGRAM MANAGER. a. (Chief Financial Officer) An individual in an organization
or activity responsible for the management of a specific function or functions and
responsible for budget formulation and execution of the approved budget. The individual
is the recipient of an approved funding program from the Office of Chief Financial
Officer identifying his or her program dollars available to accomplish the assigned
function. b. (Environment, Safety and Health) The Headquarters individual, or his/her
designee, designated by and under the direction of a Secretarial Officer, who is directly
involved in the operation of facilities under his/her cognizance, and holds signature
authority to provide technical direction through heads of field elements/operations office
organizations to contractors for these facilities. [DOE Glossary] [DOE G 450.4-1B]
the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oversight responsible for administering
the DOE accident investigation program on behalf of the Assistant Secretary for
Environment, Safety and Health [DOE G 225.1A-1]
PROGRAM OFFICE. A Headquarters organization responsible for executing program
management functions, and for assisting and supporting field elements in safety and
health, administrative, management, and technical areas. [DOE Glossary] As used in
DOE M 411.1-1B, a program office is a DOE first-tier organization responsible for one
or more of the Department's congressionally established missions. These offices report
to the Assistant Secretaries for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; Environmental
Management; and Fossil Energy, and the Offices of Civilian Radioactive Waste
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