| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
Exercise the authority set forth in 820.8;
Admit or exclude evidence;
Hear and decide questions of fact, law, or discretion, except for the validity of
regulations and interpretations issued by DOE;
Require parties to attend conferences for the settlement or simplification of the
issues, or the expedition of the proceedings;
Draw adverse inferences against a party that fails to comply with his orders;
(viii) Do all other acts and take all measures necessary for the maintenance of order and
for the efficient, fair and impartial adjudication of issues arising in proceedings
governed by these rules.
[10 CFR 820.2]
PRESTART FINDING. A finding that must be corrected before an activity can be
started. [DOE O 5480.31] [EH62dd1]
PRE-TRANSFER REVIEW. Serves to provide the safety basis and physical and
administrative characteristics of the facility subsequent to the cessation of operations, and
prior to transferring the facility for the disposition phase. The objective of the review is
to identify and evaluate, using a graded approach, the explicit boundaries of the
facility(ies) being transferred; their physical condition; extent, nature and level of
contamination (as appropriate on a case-by-case basis); inventories/estimates of types and
quantities of special nuclear, fissionable, and toxic, hazardous, and radioactive materials;
summary and evaluation of the safety basis and surveillance and maintenance
requirements; and other elements to ensure that sufficient information is provided to
facilitate an understanding of the facility and its surveillance and maintenance
requirements. Documentation is generally expected to be provided from the analysis of
available information, without extensive, new, characterization work. [DOE G 433.1-1]
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE. All those systematically planned and scheduled
actions performed for the purpose of preventing equipment, system, or facility failure.
PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORS. Monitoring equipment legally required
to monitor ongoing discharges. In general, this term applies to monitors closest to the
point of discharge which are used to determine if discharges are within specified limits.
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