| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
SHIFT TECHNICAL ADVISOR (STA). A person who has been assigned to provide on-
shift advice and counsel to shift operating personnel to help determine cause and
mitigation of facility accidents. [DOE O 5480.20A]
SHIPMENT. Any offsite transportation of any materials and equipment, involving
activities such as packaging, loading, marking and labeling and placarding, where
applicable; cargo securement; preparation of shipping documents; and tendering the
package to the carrier or transporter. [DOE G 460.2-1]
SHIPPER. The entity (or its agent) that tenders a shipment for transportation. The term
includes persons who prepare packages for shipment, and offer packages to a carrier for
transportation by signature on the shipping paper. When a contractor signs a shipping
paper on behalf of DOE, DOE is considered to be the shipper of record. [ DOE M.460.2-
SHIPPING PAPER. A shipping order, bill of lading, manifest or other shipping
document serving a similar purpose and containing the information required by Sections
172.202, 172.203, and 172.204. [49 CFR 171.8]
SHOCK HAZARD. A dangerous condition associated with the possible release of
energy caused by contact or approach to live parts. [IEEE 1584-2002] [NFPA 70E]
SHORT-TERM EXPOSURE LIMIT (STEL). A 15-minute time-weighted average
(TWA) exposure which shall not be exceeded at any time during a workday even if the
8-hour TWA is within limits. [DOE O 5480.10A (Draft)]
SIGNIFICANT MODIFICATION. A change to a nuclear facility that involves an
Unreviewed Safety Question, as defined below. [DOE O 5480.5] [EH62dd1]
SIGNIFICANT QUANTITY. The minimum quantity of fissionable material for which
control is required to maintain subcriticality under all normal and credible abnormal
conditions. [DOE G 421.1-1]
SITE. A geographic entity comprising leased or owned land, buildings, and other
structures required to perform program activities. [DOE G 420.1-2]
SITE BOUNDARY. A well-marked boundary of the property over which the owner or
operator can exercise strict control without the aid of outside authorities. [DOE O
5480.30] [EH62dd1]
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