| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
SITE OCCUPATION MEDICAL DIRECTOR (SOMD). The physician responsible for
the overall direction and operation of the site occupational medicine program. [10 CFR
SKILL OF THE CRAFT. A defined level of technical proficiency of a worker that is
verifiable through some form of qualification or supervisory knowledge. [DOE G 433.1-
SMOKE DEVELOPED RATING. Smoke developed rating is a numerical classification
determined by American Society of Testing and Material standard ASTM E-84, which
indexes the smoke generation rate of a given material to those of two standard materials
(inorganic reinforced cement board and select grade red oak). [DOE-STD-1066-97]
SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL. (1) Plutonium, uranium enriched in the isotope 233
or in the isotope 235, and any other material which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
pursuant to the provisions of section 51, determines to be special nuclear material, but
does not include source material; or (2) any material artificially enriched by any of the
forgoing, but does not include source material. [10 CFR 707.4]
SPECIMEN CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORM. A form used to document the security of
the specimen from time of collection until receipt by the laboratory. This form, at a
minimum, shall include specimen identifying information, date and location of collection,
name and signature of collector, name of testing laboratory, and the names and signatures
of all individuals who had custody of the specimen from time of collection until the
specimen was prepared for shipment to the laboratory. [10 CFR 707.4]
STAGING BAYS (IN-PROCESS). A bay(s) within an operating building used to stage
explosives in excess of 4 hours supply. This practice is permissible as long as the bay(s)
is designed to provide Class II level of protection. [DOE O 6430.1A]
A. The term "standard," or "technical standard" as cited in Public Law 104-113, includes
all of the following:
1. Common and repeated use of rules, conditions, guidelines or characteristics for
products or related processes and production methods, and related management
system practices.
2. The definition of terms; classification of components; delineation of procedures;
specification of dimensions, materials, performance, designs, or operations;
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