| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
TASK ANALYSIS. The systematic process of examining a task to identify skills,
knowledge, and/or abilities required for successful task performance. [DOE O
TECHNICAL SAFETY APPRAISALS (TSAs). Documented, multidisciplined
appraisals of selected Department reactors and nuclear facilities. TSAs ensure proper
Department-wide application of particular safety elements of the Environment, Safety
and Health program, nuclear industry lessons learned, and appropriate licensed facility
requirements as described in DOE Order 5482.IB. [DOE O 5480.5] [EH62dd1]
TECHNICAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS (TSRs). Those requirements that define the
conditions, safe boundaries, and the management or administrative controls necessary to
ensure the safe operation of a nuclear facility and to reduce the potential risk to the public
and facility workers from uncontrolled releases of radioactive materials or from radiation
exposures due to inadvertent criticality. Technical Safety requirements consist of safety
limits, operating limits, surveillance requirements, administrative controls, use and
application instructions, and the basis thereof. [DOE O 5480.22]
TECHNICAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS (TSRs). The limits, controls, and related
actions that establish the specific parameters and requisite actions for the safe operation
of a nuclear facility and include, as appropriate for the work and the hazards identified in
the documented safety analysis for the facility: Safety limits, operating limits,
surveillance requirements, administrative and management controls, use and application
provisions, and design features, as well as a bases appendix. [10 CFR 830.3]
TECHNICAL SUPPORT. The engineering, design, computer support, training,
warehousing, fabrication, procurement, operations, quality assurance, material and parts
control and availability, specialized inspections, planning, or other such support needed
to develop and implement a successful maintenance management program that provides
an efficient and continuous operating DOE nuclear facility. [DOE G 433.1-1]
TECHNICAL VALIDATION. Process of providing reasonable assurance that the
retrieved design information is technically appropriate and correct. Technical Validation
includes determining the appropriateness of methods and assumptions. [EH62dd1]
TEMPORARY EXEMPTION. A short-term release from a criticality safety
requirement. [DOE O 5480.24] [EH62dd1]
TESTING DESIGNATED POSITION. A position whose incumbents are subject to drug
testing under 10 CFR 707. [10 CFR 707.4]
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