| DOE-SPEC-3018-96
manufacturer's name, type of battery cell, manufacturer's type designation,
nominal electrolyte specific gravity at 77F (25C) and date of manufacture.
[Alternately, the date of manufacture may be stamped on one of the jar posts.]
Polarity markings. For each battery cell, the positive posts shall be marked
either with a positive sign (+) or letters "POS." Negative posts shall carry a
negative sign (-) or the letters "NEG."
Where applicable, enter the seismic zone number for the battery installation.
Seismic qualification marking. Mark each rack "Zone [
Revise scope of field services as appropriate, depending on who does the installation.
field-service representative to provide technical advice for installation and startup. Scope
of services shall be clearly stated in Seller's proposal in accordance with Appendix A.]
Provide adequate information covering installation requirements in time for Owner's use
(see paragraph 4.4).
Include the following paragraph if an annual maintenance contract is required. Coordinate with Appendix A
battery string. Include details of the maintenance work, testing and record-keeping
performed as a part of the maintenance contract. Submit with the proposal a typical
example of a maintenance report for a similar maintenance contract.
a. Submit the drawings and data required by the specification and/or listed in
paragraph 4.2 within the time specified for Owner's review.
b. The Owner's general review of drawings and data or waiver of same shall in no event
relieve Seller of any responsibility to meet all requirements of this specification or the
purchase order.
a. Drawings showing batteries, interconnections, rack outlines, dimensions required for
mounting, weight of racks and filled cells, and description of rack finish for each battery
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