| DOE-SPEC-3018-96
b. Cell outline including connector and battery terminal details, electrolyte levels, weight
of assembled cell, separate weights of electrolyte, plates, and jar
Add the following paragraph when seismic requirements apply.
c. Seismic rack design and certification (see paragraph 3.2.7)
d. Type, catalog designation, and description of major components provided by Seller
e. Longest recommended storage time when batteries are shipped charged, and [wet]
[dry]-charged; and Seller's storage and freshening charge recommendations
Field test recommendations, including performance tests
g. Test reports for factory tests, including capacity tests
within the time limits, as set forth in the purchase order, instruction manuals in accordance
with the Owner's requirements. One copy of the instructions applicable to each
component or group of components, if there are no differences, shall be shipped with the
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