| Changes to DOE-STD-1128-98, "Guide for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium
Change "Other features discussed in DOE Order 6430.1A, General Design Criteria
(DOE, 1989b) include the following:"
to "Other features include the following:"
Change "DOE Order 4700.1, Project Management System 4.a (DOE, 1992e),
contains the requirements by which all DOE projects must be managed; Section 2,
A.3 .c, requires that a project management plan be developed for major system
acquisitions and major projects; Item 2.d of Attachment II-4 states that environment,
safety, and health technical requirements for project design and implementation
should be included in the work-plan section of the project management plan."
to "DOE Order 430.IA, Lifecvcle Asset Management (DOE, 1998d), contains the
requirements by which all DOE projects must be managed; It requires that a project
management plan be developed for major system acquisitions and major projects
and states that environment, safety, and health technical requirements for project
design and implementation should be included in the work-plan section of the
project management plan."
Delete "In addition, Section 5, 3.d.(3) of DOE Order 5820.2A (DOE, 1988'0) states
that a decommissioning project plan shall be prepared according to DOE
Order 4700.1 and shall include the following:
-- development of a health and safety plan for decommissioning and
-- projections of occupational exposure,"
Change references to reflect changes.
Change `(ORNL, 1970) Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 1970. Design, Construction,
and Testing of High Efficiency Air Filtration Systems for Nuclear Application. ORNL-
N5 1L-65. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C." To "(ORNL, 1970)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 1970. Design, Construction, and Testing of High
Efficiency Air Filtration Systems for Nuclear Application. ORNL-NSIC-65. U.S.
Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C."
Change "airborne radioactivity area: Any area where the measured concentration
of airborne radioactivity, above natural background, exceeds or is likely to exceed
10% of the derived air concentration (DAC) values listed in Appendix A or
Appendix C of 10 CFR 835. (10 CFR 835)"
to "airborne radioactivity area: Any area, accessible to individuals, where:
(1) The concentration of airborne radioactivity, above natural background,
exceeds or is likely to exceed the derived air concentration (DAC) values
listed in Appendix A or Appendix C of this part; or
(2) An individual present in the area without respiratory protection could
receive an intake exceeding 12 DAC-hours in a week. (10 CFR 835)".
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