| ![]() Changes to DOE-STD-1128-98, "Guide for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium
Change "contamination area: Any area where contamination levels are greater
than the values specified in Appendix D of 10 CFR 835, but less than or equal to
100 times those levels. (10 CFR 835)"
to "contamination area: Any area where removable contamination levels are
greater than the removable values specified in Appendix D of 10 CFR 835, but less
than or equal to 100 times those levels. (10 CFR 835)".
Delete "10 CFR 835" from definition of "continous air monitor".
Change "controlled area: Any area to which access is managed in order to protect
individuals from exposure to radiation and/or radioactive material. Individuals who
enter only the controlled area without entering radiological areas are not expected to
receive a total effective dose equivalent of more than 100 mrem (0.001 sievert) in a
year. (10 CFR 835)"
to "controlled area: Any area to which access is managed in order to protect
individuals from exposure to radiation and/or radioactive material. (10 CFR 835)".
Change "high contamination area: Any area where contamination levels are
greater than 100 times the values specified in Appendix D of 10 CFR 835. (10
CFR 835)" to "high contamination area: Any area where removable
contamination levels are greater than 100 times the removable values specified in
Appendix D of 10 CFR 835. (10 CFR 835)".
Change "radioactive material area: An area where radioactive material is used,
handled, or stored. (Posting and Labeling IG)
"radiation area," "high radiation area," "very high radiation area," "contamination
area," "high contamination area," or "airborne radioactivity area" in accordance with
10 CFR 835.6093. (10 CFR 835)"
to "radioactive material area: Any area within a controlled area, accessible to
individuals, in which items or containers of radioactive material exist and the total
activity of radioactive material exceeds the applicable values provided in Appendix
E of 10 CFR 835. (10 CFR 835)
"radiation area," "high radiation area," "very high radiation area," "contamination
area," "high contamination area," or "airborne radioactivity area" in accordance with
10 CFR 835.603. (10 CFR 835)".
Delete "10 CFR 835" from definition of "survey".
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