| ![]() Changes to DOE-STD-1128-98, "Guide for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium
Change "While there is little probability that large new plutonium facilities will be
constructed, there may be significant modification to existing facilities. Facility
design criteria for DOE plutonium facilities can be found in DOE Order 6430.1A,
General Design Criteria (DOE, 1989b). While all of the General Design Criteria
manual is applicable to the design of new facilities or modification of existing
facilities, Division 1300, "Special Facilities," parts 1304 and 1305, are especially
pertinent to plutonium-facility design. Additionally, 10 CFR 835 Subpart K Design
and Control also provides requirements for the design of radiological facilities.
This appendix provides guidance in the design of plutonium facilities. This guidance
should be used to supplement the required criteria in DOE Order 6430.1A, the
guidance of the DOE Radiological Control Manual (DOE, 19941), and other DOE
Orders and standards."
to "While there is little probability that large new plutonium facilities will be
constructed, there may be significant modification to existing facilities. Additionally,
10 CFR 835 Subpart K Design and Control also provides requirements for the
design of radiological facilities.
This appendix provides guidance in the design of plutonium facilities. This guidance
should be used to supplement the guidance of the DOE Standard, Radiological
Control (DOE, 1999a), and other DOE Orders and standards."
Change "The design criteria in Divisions 1304 and 1305 of DOE Order 6430.1 A,
General Design Criteria (DOE, 1989b), which pertain specifically to plutonium
facilities, shall be applied for all new facilities that contain substantial quantities of
plutonium. A facility that will handle more than 1 gram of plutonium, under certain
specific conditions, shall also meet the security requirements of DOE Order 5632.
1C, Protection and Control of Safeguards and Security Interests (DOE, 1994q). The
design of a plutonium facility should consider the requirements and analyses
described in DOE Order 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports (DOE, 1992d),
to ensure compatibility. DOE Order 420.1 Facility Safety (DOE, 1995c) contains
several requirements important to facility design. The following DOE standards may
also be useful:
DOE-STD-1024-92 Guidelines for Use of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Curves
at DOE Sites. (DOE, 1992b)"
to "The following DOE standards may also be useful:"
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