| ![]() The Department of Energy (DOE) Order DOE 5480.6, "Safety
of Department of Energy-Owned Nuclear Reactors," establishes
reactor safety requirements to assure that reactors are sited,
designed, constructed, modified, operated, maintained, and decom-
missioned in a manner that adequately protects health and safety
and is in accordance with uniform standards, guides, and codes
which are consistent with those applied to comparable licensed
This document identifies nuclear safety criteria applied
to licensed reactors. The degree of application of these criteria
to a DOE-owned reactor, consistent with their application to com-
parable licensed reactors, must be determined by the DOE and DOE
This document is a compilation and source list of
nuclear safety criteria that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) applies to licensed reactors; it can be used by DOE and DOE
contractors to identify NRC criteria to be evaluated for applica-
tion to the DOE reactors under their cognizance.
The criteria
listed are those that are applied to the areas of nuclear safety
addressed in the safety analysis report of a licensed reactor.
They are derived from federal regulations, USNRC regulatory
guides, Standard Review Plan (SRP) branch technical positions and
appendices, and industry codes and standards.
To assure that this document includes all the areas of
nuclear safety addressed in a safety analysis report, USNRC
Regulatory Guide 1.70, "Standard Format and Content of Safety
Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants," Rev. 3 is used to
establish the format of this document and the titles of each
chapter and its subsections. The principal sources for the com-
piled nuclear safety criteria are Regulatory Guide 1.70 and
NUREG-0800, USNRC "Standard Review Plan," June 1987. The compila-
tion also includes criteria published since the last revision of
To eliminate excessive repetition,
these source documents.
criteria are identified only in those subsections that address
As an example, even though 10 CFR
the thrust of the criteria.
50, Appendix B, "Quality Assurance," is applicable to all areas
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