| ![]() of nuclear safety, it is only listed in those sections that
The criteria applicable to each
pertain to quality assurance.
subsection or area of safety are presented in a format
represented by the following four groups.
Code of Federal Regulations
Generally, these criteria are provided in federal
regulations from specific sections of Title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (10 CFR). In addition, other federal regula-
tions are listed that were identified in separate NRC criteria
sources for application to licensed reactors.
USNRC Regulatory Guides, SRP Branch Technical Positions
and Appendices
USNRC regulatory guides issued under Division 1, "Power
Reactors," and Division 2, "Research and Test Reactors" are
Regulatory guides from other divi-
listed in this subsection.
sions, such as Division 8, "Occupational Health" also are listed
when pertinent to the areas of safety addressed in the safety
analysis report.
Branch technical positions and appendices to
sections of the SRP are listed because they contain guidance and
requirements that supplement or, in some instances, replace those
provided in regulatory guides.
Codes and Standards
The industry codes and standards listed in this subsec-
tion are those endorsed by the NRC in 10 CFR and regulatory
guides, and those specified in the acceptance criteria and review
procedures of the appropriate sections of Regulatory Guide 1.70
and the SRP.
Depending on when sections of these documents were
revised, their criteria often reference and endorse different
issues of a code or standard. In addition, many of the industry
standards specified in the NRC criteria have been revised or
withdrawn and replaced by more recent standards.
Most of these obsolete standards are no longer issued by
their sponsoring organization and, therefore, are not available
for use by DOE or DOE contractors. Standards specified in the NRC
criteria that were revised or replaced are identified and their
replacement standards also listed.
In most instances, the
revised issues of obsolete standards that are endorsed by
regulatory guides have incorporated the additional requirements
specified in the regulatory guide.
Supplemental Information
This subsection lists documents specified in the NRC
criteria that do not fall within one of the three preceding
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